Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cracking a bottle open

I have sampled a few bottles this week and again last night (This weekend makes 2 weeks in the bottle).  Unfortunately I am not bragging about the beer perfection I found on my first trip out.  The beer is bitter and a touch yeasty.  The beer didn't carry to much of a head and had the "green" taste the experienced folks talk about.  I am hopeful time will mellow it out more and make it not only more palatable but a delicious success.

I have not blogged much on my second batch, I did it a week after my first and it has now been bottled for a week.  The second batch was a full grain batch and while it presented some beginner challenges, I think it went well.  Both batches yielded beer with approximately 4.3% alcohol.  I have not cracked one of those yet and based on the first batch will let it sit for longer.

1 comment:

  1. I knew it would get better with more time, Brett's definitely did!
